Color and Design

Concept Narrative

For the concept project, I was able to have more freedom and use what I have learned about color as well as the Graphic app and create a piece based on observation. With the five sketches that I drew, I was able to apply my knowledge that I learned from my drawing classes with measuring and shadows and apply this to my sketches.  It was interesting not adding color to these sketches and only doing them with graphite because we have applied color to all of the projects that we have done.  Yet, I understand that this assignment is getting us to notice the values of various colors and work on remembering what each color looked like based on our color notes and value drawings.

Concept Final

For my final, I decided to draw my sketch on Graphic, which I really enjoyed because I could achieve every color that I was looking for and I was able to add the patterns from KaleidoPaint to create a more interesting and enchanting art piece.  I really enjoy how the patterns are all unique to their object.  The colors that are brought out in each go with the original colors and I was able to create a more interesting design by including them.  I enjoyed drawing this because in the beginning, I was just drawing all of the basic shapes in black and white, then adding color when I had them all drawn out and it was very interesting to see the transformation.  It was also enjoyable to add the shadows to the objects and on the carpet because I looked at what hue the underlying object was and then combined that with a dark grey or black to achieve the realistic effect.  I was also able to achieve the texture that I wanted in the carpet especially, which required me to not need to add any acrylic paint or colored pencil.  I have learned a great deal about how to use the tools in Graphic to my advantage when creating these digital drawings.

One of the reasons that I chose this sketch is because of the composition, I believe that it is one of the most interesting and it shows a foreground, middle ground, and background.  It also contains very different and interesting objects that had bright and enchanting colors to begin with, and when I added the patterns, they became even brighter and more enchanting.

I am very pleased with my digital drawing because I really enjoy the colors as well as the patterns.  I am also very pleased that I have been able to accurately represent most of the colors of the objects, such as the carpet, candle wax, and sun glasses case.  I enjoy that it is a combination of realistic and imaginary with the fantasy side peaking through with the patterns.

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